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Lead-free no clean solder paste

Lead-free no clean solder paste

EnviroMark 919G lead-free solder paste from Kester contains advantages for high-reliability and low-defect assembly. EM919G is 100 % halide- and halogen-free and offers advantages such as ultra-low voiding characteristics, lighter flux residue color, shiny joints and good solderability on all typical component and board finishes, and easier residue penetration. Its print characteristic to 0.4 mm pitch, stable tack and stencil life with long idle time between prints ensure a reduction in print defects and paste waste. The enhanced chemistry in the flux provides the necessary cold and hot slump resistance that is essential in a Pb-free reflow thermal profile. The improvements reduce potential defects such as bridging, solder balls and tombstoning.

EPP Europe 423
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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