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Lead-free desoldering braid application

Lead-free desoldering braid application

Lead-free desoldering braid application
Building on its experience of making a range of de-soldering braids, Techspray (distributed by Intertronics) has developed a patented wick compatible with the higher temperatures required to rework and repair lead-free solder joints. The result is a copper braid-flux combination, which does reportedly not char and has a wider processing window than traditional counterparts, leaving minimal residues on the board. The efficiency and stability of the flux has been tested independently by UK’s National Physical Laboratory. The cleanliness testing (ISO 9455–17 standard) showed excellent stable, repeatable and high SIR measurements. This no-clean wick leaves little, if any, residues affecting SIR levels. Microscopic examination of the boards showed no dendrites. The desoldering braid will give reliable desoldering results, and is free of rosin colophony and does not give off a rosin fume.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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