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Large format automated selective soldering system

Large format automated selective soldering system

Large format automated selective soldering system
A.C.E. Production Technologies has introduced the KISS 104 automated large-format selective soldering system. The SMEMA-compatible system offers all of the popular features found in the KISS 101 and 102 systems, but in a larger format to handle larger PCB’s and panelized boards, and in-line integration capability. The 104 provides a generous 26” x 19” work area which, though larger, does not require any special user intervention or additional setup steps. The user can place more boards in the work area and take advantage of the Step-and-Repeat feature of the system’s operating program and automated capability as an in-line or stand-alone system. The system incorporates an easy to use, intuitive, upward-looking camera for automatic point-to-point programming.

The fully programmable 104 uses the proven traveling mini-solder wave. This system overcomes the limitations of operator-dependent soldering with a truly flexible molten solder delivery system. It is designed to deliver repeatable soldering performance without the expense of robotic selective soldering machines. The 104 couples higher throughput with precise process controls. The programmable features provide the tools to set all process parameters, including immersion depths, pre-heat dwells, travel distances and speeds, solder temperature, and wave height. Once set, the system will repeat precisely. It can be programmed via a laptop computer and it can also be integrated with the firm’s line of preheat modules.
EPP Europe 432
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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