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KIC’s solution for turning heat into data at productronica

Inspection for the reflow process
KIC’s solution for turning heat into data at productronica

KIC's solution for turning heat into data at productronica
At productronica, KIC will discuss their RPI i4.0 solution, which is a reflow process inspection and monitoring system. Source: KIC

At productronica, KIC Europe will discuss Industry 4.0 automation, traceability, NPI setup, and machine verification, all for thermal processes; reflow, wave solder and cure. RPI i4.0. is a simple solution and a great way to start the Industry 4.0 journey, changing heat to data on a reflow oven.

Actionable data is needed across a manufacturing line to make well informed decisions. Not only is data collection on most machines available, but it is also possible to receive inspection results after printing with a SPI, after placement or at the end of the line with an AOI.

But what about reflow? The next level of inspection for the reflow process has been introduced with the RPI i4.0. Knowing that a reflow temperature profile is monitored to maintain process control and quality solder joints for every product running through an oven is a must. This critical data should be a part of the smart factory solution to ensure all oven production is within specifications and that profile data is available for each board.

The RPI i4.0 automatically acquires profile data from each PCB soldered in the reflow or curing oven, in real-time. Along with NPI setup and machine verification tools, and profile datalogging, this ecosystem offers real-time thermal process dashboard and traceability, reduced scrap and rework, fast defect troubleshooting, lower electricity use and more. Browser based data search and analytic features also save time.

productronica, Booth A4-506


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