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Increasing accessibility and minimising damage to the unit under test

Increasing accessibility and minimising damage to the unit under test

Aeroflex has added soft landing and partial accessibility software options to its 4550 Flying Probe test system. The Probe Soft Landing Option minimises potential damage to the unit under test (UUT) caused by probing, which is especially important in ’safety critical‘ applications common in the military, automotive and medical industries. It works by allowing the probes to travel at normal speed in the Z-axis, but decelerate towards the end of their travel, avoiding potential damage to the UUT.

The Partial Accessibility Option is an automatic process for the system that allows components to be tested, even when some of the probes cannot access specific target points due to component heights, etc. The program development software will create a test if as few as two probes have access. This technique takes advantage of a key development that enables accessibility to be maximised through the ability to switch probe angles between 0 and 8 degrees during program execution.
The Flying Probe test system is a highly flexible, fixtureless test environment providing a “one-stop” test platform that is ideal not only for prototype applications but also provides the level of throughput required in a production environment. The faster probing speed is achieved without compromising probing accuracy and repeatability or the high levels of test coverage made possible by targeting access points down to 75 µm.
EPP Europe 458
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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