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Highly flexible pick-and-place system with intelligent feeders and vision

Highly flexible pick-and-place system with intelligent feeders and vision

Essemtec had announced that it will highlight CSM7100V, a highly flexible pick-and-place system with intelligent feeders and vision for high-mix/low-volume production at the SMT/Hybrid/Packaging 2006 exhibition and conference in Nuremberg.

A large feeder capacity, intelligent feeders and easy-to-use operation software are key features for this highly flexible production machine. The standard laser alignment is accurate, reliable and maintenance-free. Every component is measured and aligned on-the-fly. Also, tape reels, tape strips, sticks and trays of any size can be used to feed parts. Components as tall as 15 mm can be placed. The system with vision pick-and-place fulfils the requirements of high-mix/low-volume SMT production. It offers a wide application range as well as outstanding performance. Benefits of the system include a feeder capacity of 100 x 8 mm, intelligent tape feeders from 8 to 56 mm, 4,000 placements per hour, optical on-the-fly alignment, easy graphical operation system, integrated dispensing system, barcode-based feeder setup and a universal CAD data input filter. Additionally, the system can place components from 0402 to 33 x 33 mm QFPs.
Machine operation software Lightplacer is a key factor in the system’s flexibility. The powerful Windows-based software features a fully graphical man-machine interface, making operation and programming easy. The combination of pick-and-place with a dispenser saves costs as well as floor space for additional equipment. A time/pressure or screw valve dispenser can be integrated. The automatic SMD pick-and-place is a further development of CSM7000 with more than 100 installations worldwide. The vision pick-and-place system has a footprint of only 80 x 80 cm, and it fits into every type of production.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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