Multi-Seals offers a solid alternative to liquid epoxy for high-volume, precision sealing. Uniform epoxy preforms are pre-shaped, one-part resins that are solid at room temperature. When heated, the performs melt and cure, forming a consistent seal that protects components from dust, moisture, oil, flux, solvents, conformal coatings, and other contaminants. Close tolerances on preform dimensions, consistent pre-mixed ratios of resin to catalyst, and consistent viscosity from beginning to end of batch ensure uniform, high-quality results. They eliminate seal variations caused by operator technique or epoxy pot life. Costly cleanup procedures are also avoided. To accommodate diverse applications, the performs are available in several epoxy formulations and a wide range of configurations, with inside diameters as small as 0.010” (0.25 mm) and outside diameters as large as 0.720” (18.3 mm). Preforms can be dispensed as rapidly as 200 to 600 parts per minute with little or no operator training.
EPP Europe 416