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High-Performance PCI Board

High-Performance PCI Board

The 24-bit data acquisition and generation module PCI-4461 is a high-performance dynamic signal acquisition (DSA) board on the PCI bus with an 118 dB dynamic range. The release also includes the LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit Version 4, with 10 new Express VIs for simplified application development.

In addition to 24-bit output channels on PCI, the board offers two 24-bit input channels, making it ideal for stimulus-response measurements. The input-only version PCI-4462 provides four 24-bit input channels and 118 dB dynamic.
Users can synchronize multiple boards to attain four-input and four-output systems or six-input and two-output systems. Both boards also feature IEEE 1451.4 transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) capability, which simplifies the configuration of an accelerometer measurement. The LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolkit 4 now is easier to use. Engineers can customize applications such as integrated vibration level measurements, weighted sound level measurements, swept sine analysis, power spectrum analysis, limit testing and transient analysis. Users can further extend the sound and vibration analysis with the upgraded LabVIEW Order Analysis Toolkit 2.1, featuring an easy-to-use application programming interface and simpler graphing options.
With improved resampling and Gabor techniques for on-line and off-line analysis, the toolkit is ideal for order tracking, order extraction and tachometer signal processing. Simplified visualization capabilities include orbit, polar, bode, cascade, waterfall and shaft centerline plots.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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