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High-performance AOI

High-performance AOI

High-performance AOI
Flex Ultra HR from CyberOptics is the high-resolution, high-speed next generation of the Flex AOI platform and provides enhanced features including new 5.0 megapixel camera technology. The system offers users a 40 percent improvement in imaging resolution over the Flex Ultra, allowing inspection of 01005 components. Flex Ultra is the enhanced resolution AOI system with inspection performance for 0201 components and larger. It is ideal for assembly lines producing automotive, memory, and notebook PCBs.

Base features of the system include high-speed pre- and post-reflow inspection capabilities, simple, programming, patented SAM vision technology that learns as the process varies, lowest false-call rates in the industry, and the ability to inspect any component or feature such as chips,
ICs, lead-free solder joints, gold fingers, connectors, clips and screws. The operator user interface (OUI) for the Flex Ultra HR for inspection and defect review provides operators a simpler, more intuitive graphical user interface and a common look and feel with the user interface on the firm’s SE 300 solder paste inspection machine. It is offered in multiple languages, including English, Chinese and Korean, and is capable of being translated into any language.
Productronica, Stand A4.262
EPP Europe 471
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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