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Granted patents lift Speedline Technologies’ total above 400

Granted patents lift Speedline Technologies’ total above 400

As the recent award of seven U.S. patents lifts Speedline Technologies’ total above 400, the company continues its drive to innovate and improve the semiconductor manufacturing and PCB assembly processes. Of the hundreds of patents granted to Speedline over the past 50 years, more than 150 are reportedly active. In addition, there are another 90 patents pending. All represent the creation of application-based technologies as well as continued improvements in existing systems. The company announced recently granted patents involving such as calibrating dispensing systems, filtration of flux contaminants, needle cleaning, reflow soldering and selective infrared heating, selective gas-knife for wave soldering, controlling conveyors to accommodate different size substrates, and a method for detecting defects in printed solder paste.

“At Speedline Technologies, process knowledge leader is more than a positioning statement – it is our vision and passion”, says Dr. Gerald Pham-Van-Diep, director of advanced development. Patented innovations include look-up and look-down vision-probe technology, parallel processing within the printer, inspection techniques within printers and dispensers, pressurized printing technologies, reflow and flux management techniques, and debridging techniques in wave-soldering machines. “Just this year, the rollout of our next-generation MPM Accela printer, introducing breakthrough parallel processing technology, and the Xyflex Pro+ dispensing system, featuring a 30% increased speed rating and twice the accuracy of traditional systems, represent more than a dozen awarded and pending patents”, he notes. “Regardless of the process, we always see opportunity for improvement. And if the traditional approach does not fully serve our intentions, then we’ll create a new viewpoint for a new approach”.
“Our vast array of intellectual property is perhaps our most strategic asset,” Pham-Van-Diep underlines. “The benefits directly accrue to our customers – electronics manufacturers balancing emerging technologies, shifting markets, and lead-free mandates. Through our innovation, we deliver enhanced throughput and improved development, yields, production and quality”. And if the patents aren’t testament enough to its drive for innovation, the company has a collection of industry awards and was named as Frost & Sullivan’s 2005 Surface Mount Technology Company of the Year.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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