The new gold wire from Kulicke & Soffa Industries is designed for all types of stacked-die and multi-tier applications. It offers highly accurate and consistent loop profiles, providing higher wire bond yields. The bonding wire improves linearity and stability, while achieving higher molding results. Jack Belani, Senior Vice President for K&S Packaged Materials and Corporate Marketing, stated, ”Our new Formax product is the next-generation in wire technology, which was developed from our proven and growing family of gold bonding wire.” He continued, ”Formax is the next engineering step from Radix and Radix Plus, offering higher strengths as well as lower heat and affected zone ranges.” Customer data has shown that the wire delivers higher, accurate and more consistent loop profiles in a wide range of complete packages with higher yields. Additionally, it has versatile looping capabilities, with loop heights of less than 3 mil to over 16 mil, with wire span up to 320 mil using a 1-mil wire diameter wire. Klaus Dittmer, Director of K&S Bonding Wire, added, “Our new Formax wire has extremely robust bondability for first and second bonds, giving our customers higher bond test results.” The proven intermetallic stability of the gold bonding is based on the company’s 3N gold composition.
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