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Fully automated X-ray system

Fully automated X-ray system

Fully automated X-ray system
The Model 1550 fully automated X-ray inspection system from VJ Electronix is designed specifically for the manufacturing floor, featuring large board X-ray inspection with automated motion control, measurement and analysis. Additional characteristics include advanced solid-state detector-based inspection for lead-free assembly, choice of Image Intensifier and CMOS-based high-resolution detectors, full programmability with integrated motion control and image measurement analysis, and simple set up of program using 1–2-GO Interface. X1550 is low maintenance, and requires minimum operator intervention with maximum automated analysis.

The model is a part of the VJE 15XX Series, built around a choice of X-ray sources from 75 to 130 kV. It offers users a 130 kV X-ray source, with a continuously variable field of view (up to 1.8“ with zoom).
The system is easy to learn, use and maintain, and provides the following benefits: large-board handling area 18 x 24“, magnification 400X, low-maintenance, high MTBF, fully integrated compact system and image archiving in popular file formats. It offers high-contrast resolution. The simple set up program allows the user to characterize the entire process with one simple solution. Onscreen representation of boards for easy maneuvering allows maximum productivity and quality assurance based on instant and accurate information, minimizing bottlenecks and maximizing throughput.
The X-ray-system incorporates three key innovations necessary for high-resolution X-ray microscopy: Firstly a new manipulator design that provides fast, accurate, repeatable sample positioning. Secondly the Nexus 300 software with 1–2-GO interface and onscreen sample representation for easy maneuverability and thirdly CMOS-based 12 bit solid-state detectors for high-contrast resolution X-ray inspection. This last feature, when combined with the company’s proprietary ADE software, reportedly guarantees more information in a single X-ray image than is available from any other X-ray system in the industry.
EPP Europe 455
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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