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Fast acting surfactant technology

Fast acting surfactant technology

FAST Technology cleaning agents from Zestron are an addition to the MPC Technology. FAST stands for “Fast Acting Surfactant Technology,” and speed is the primary feature of this technology. The structure of the molecules is significantly smaller and therefore they act much quicker than traditional surfactants. This results in a high surface activity so that all residues are removed efficiently.

Due to their innovative structure, these cleaning agents require fewer active ingredients to bond more contaminants. This ensures a longer bath life compared to traditional surfactants. Additionally, all FAST Technology cleaning agents have no flashpoint, low VOC content and are 100 % compliant with RoHS & WEEE. Due to their characteristics the cleaning agents are designed for high pressure spray-in-air applications with short contact times, such as in-line processes. The latest FAST cleaning agent Atron AC 205 will be introduced at Productronica. This cleaner is developed for cleaning assemblies in spray-in-air processes. The cleaning medium has a user-friendly formulation, is formulated free of any hazardous substances and has a very mild odor. Additionally, the medium creates shiny solder joints.
Productronica, Stand A4.316
EPP Europe 434
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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