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Ensures cleanliness and reliability during laser scribing

Ensures cleanliness and reliability during laser scribing

Ensures cleanliness and reliability during laser scribing
Jet dispensers from Asymtek can be used for wafer level jetting. Historically, dispensing products have been used in the “back-end” part of semiconductor packaging during assembly and test. The company has targeted jetting applications in processes further upstream during semiconductor manufacturing. Jet dispensing fluid materials onto wafers ensure cleanliness and reliability during the process of laser scribing. This and other jetting applications are currently in production with a clean room version Axiom X-1020 platform in class 100 clean rooms.

DispenseJet DJ-9000, used on the Axiom platform, utilizes a non-contact method to deliver the fluid and includes process control to ensure that repeatable amounts of material are precisely deposited without touching the wafer. In laser scribing, a fluid is dispensed onto the wafer prior to scribing. The fluid deposition keeps particles and debris, which are generated by the laser, from contaminating the wafer. Laser scribing also prevents delamination which can result when 300 mm wafers are fabricated with low-K dielectric materials. When delamination occurs, it is difficult to process the wafers on traditional dicing equipment. Jetting is also a fast and easy way to deposit the fluid.
EPP Europe 426
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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