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Electronic self-cleaning metal squeegee system

Electronic self-cleaning metal squeegee system

Electronic self-cleaning metal squeegee system
The electronic self-cleaning metal squeegee system from Transition Automation provides a solution to the constant problem of solder paste dripping and clogging onto squeegees, with resulting fast dry-out of the paste. This has long been a major problem in SMT solder paste printing. The self-cleaning system also improves and simplifies maintenance of the printer area, with less contamination of floors and surrounding SMT printer components when squeegees are removed from the printing machine. Electronic controls give users hands-off, automatic squeegee cleaning of solder paste (including lead-free solder paste) from their squeegees. The system is completely self-contained and self-actuating, and provides user settings for the number of clean iterations per print. It incorporates an “Odometer” which counts the number of prints the squeegee has experienced, and allows the user to set a limit, after which a red light will flash indicating that the limit has been reached. This counting and limit function is useful for quality control and has been awarded a US patent; the remaining self-cleaning squeegee functions are patent-pending. The counting function is useful to ensure that very old squeegees are checked for quality. The product is available for EKRA, DEK, MPM, and Panasonic printers. Retrofits for other printer models are available on request.

Productronica, Stand A4.331
EPP Europe 441
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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