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DFM collaboration solution for electronics designers and manufacturers

DFM collaboration solution for electronics designers and manufacturers

DFM collaboration solution for electronics designers and manufacturers
Valor Computerized Systems has announced vShare – a product lifecycle management toolset that supports DFM collaboration between PCB design and engineering teams across global supply chains.

The toolset delivers enhanced communications capabilities into the electronics design and manufacturing process, resulting in faster prod- uct innovation and design-to-manufacturing cycles. It provides a centralized, scalable platform with secure access to important design information and DFM issues that form part of the product development process. The complete workflow, including design changes, design reviews and final manufacturing sign-off, is intuitively managed in this toolset, enabling companies to achieve the most manufacturable designs possible.
According to the company, the dashboard captures all relevant DFM data in a centralized environment so that all team members can work in real-time with the same, graphically-rich data set. Communications and workflow are streamlined for speed, efficiency and accuracy.
Using standard internet browsers within a secure, web-based environment, users can easily import DFM results from the company’s DFM tools, as well as attach third-party graphical or text objects. The project leader can then filter, group and prioritize issues ready for collaboration. During this phase, members can share ideas or comment on improvements and/or corrections for each issue, or group of issues, up and down the supply chain. Reports can be quickly generated to document critical steps, project status and details, or final approvals, and template-driven instant reports can be used to track progress. The project manager can assign projects, actions or issues to particular individuals, and monitor events until complete sign-off and approval is reached.
EPP Europe 430
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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