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Compact convection-based lead-free reflow oven

Compact convection-based lead-free reflow oven

Compact convection-based lead-free reflow oven
Dima’s lead-free, convection reflow oven the Solano circulates hot air in only four top heating and one bottom heating zone. Additional bottom heating zones can be added as an option. The total tunnel length has been kept to 2250mm, including one cooling zone. With such a compact design it is extremely important to not use IR-emission sources that can cause uneven heating. In the Solano, this has been reached by sheeting the entire interior with thin, lightweight, mirror-like polished stainless steel with heating elements placed outside the chamber. The circulating air speed within the furnace is 1 to 1.3m/s. Slower air speeds can lead to imbalance between components and the air surrounding them. Faster air speeds can cause parts to be misaligned or shifted during the reflow process. The oven can be applied in-line or stand-alone by utilizing a vibration-free mesh belt or pin conveyor. The pin conveyor is adjustable in width, allowing board sizes ranging from 30mm to up to a maximum of 450mm. The mesh belt allows PCBs to a maximum width of 500mm. The conveyor and belt speed is adjustable from 50mm/minute to up to 800mm/minute. The temperature measurement accuracy in the heating and cooling zones is 0.1K. Consistent edge-to-edge temperatures are reportedly maintained regardless of component size or density. An ionizer is fitted the cool-down zone to eliminate the possibility of damage caused by static discharges. The oven is equipped with a profiler that is capable of storing up to six different reflow profiles, and up to 99 heating programs can be stored .The heating cells can be service-friendly removed from top side without dismantling the chamber. Easy exchangeable flux traps help to minimize contamination.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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