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Automatic SMD storage system offered

Automatic SMD storage system offered

Automatic SMD storage system offered
Essemtec’s CSS4050 SMD Tower can store up to 546 reels and trays protected against electrostatic damage in an area of 1sq m. Each component can be stored or removed in less than 5 seconds. The Tower can prepare a complete batch with one mouse click, saving a great deal of search and setup time.

Storage using the SMD Tower is easy and secure. Each reel and tray is characterized by a bar code. The operator puts the container on the input/output plate, where bar code and dimension are automatically checked. A robot picks up the container and stores it to a free place within the Tower. Components that are often moved will preferably get places with short access time.
The convenient control software supervises the stock and ensures the use of the ‘first in first out’ principle. Each component can be assigned to a moisture class (IPC-Standard 033A), and the allowable operation time in a wet surrounding is controlled. The software offers a variety of statistical functions and can include external storage places.
Within the SMD Tower, sensitive components are secure. The materials in use guarantee full electrostatic protection; as well as temperature and moisture control.
The CSS4050 SMD Tower can be used in low or high volume production. It can be expanded with additional SMD Towers at any time. The database can be connected to existing ERP systems or to optimization setup software M.I.S.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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