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Automatic selective soldering with laser technology

In a three step process
Automatic selective soldering with laser technology

Automatic selective soldering with laser technology
The Firefly selective soldering system is the latest addition to Seica’s portfolio of solutions for the electronics industry, designed to meet the increasing need for automatic selective soldering, using the power of laser technology. It is based on the firm’s proprietary VIVA Integrated platform, offering all of the advantages of the simple, three step process for generating, verifying and running a soldering program. It also has additional software tools that can be used to further optimize system flexibility and performance. The integrated temperature control system provides continuous feedback during the soldering process, with real-time, on-screen display of the thermal profiles. Equipped with a SMEMA board conveyor system, it can also be integrated easily into any production line.

SMT, hall 7, booth 247
EPP Europe 438
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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