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Automated dispensing system for high level process control

Automated dispensing system for high level process control

Automated dispensing system for high level process control
The Dispense-Mate D-583/ 585 is an automated dispensing system from Asymtek. It is based on the DispenseMate D-550 benchtop series. The new D-583/585 series is WEEE/RoHS compliant, and utilizes the same patented dispense control technology as the company’s most advanced dispensing systems, including Dynamic Dispensing Control (DDC) and Jet on the Fly. The new platform provides exceptional dispensing accuracy and repeatability and performs with a wide range of fluids, processes, and substrates. It is designed for batch production dispensing processes, including solder paste, conductive adhesives, surface mount adhesive, gasketing, sealing and silicone/epoxy encapsulation. Ideal for labs, new product development and prototyping, the automated dispensing system easily integrates with most jets, pumps and valves from the enterprise, including the Dispense-Jet DJ-9000. Because Fluidmove programs are transferable to in-line systems, it can easily adapt to high volume manufacturing.

Two models are offered with different dispensing areas: the 583 model has a combined dispense and vision area of 325 x 325 mm; the D-585, 525 x 525 mm. The system runs on the familiar Windows XP operating system, so it is easy to use. Other features and benefits include: Firstly dynamic dispense control, that offers precise and flexible control parameters through closed loop servo technology. Using encoders and feedback from the dispensing pump, DDC provides an effective method of producing high quality, reproducible small dots and lines. Secondly, new quick release mount for the firm’s valves makes cleaning fast and easy. Thirdly an advanced height sensor automatically checks for warped parts and inconsistencies, saving the operator time and materials, and forthly, pattern recognition and CAD import are available as options.
SMT, hall 7, booth 219
EPP Europe 471
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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