The Xyflex Pro Plus dispensing system features advanced technology that is redefining the boundaries of dispensing equipment capability. It delivers an increased speed rating of more than 30 percent, and twice the accuracy of other dispensing systems.
An advanced composite gantry design structure and linear drive system utilize the latest in motion control drive technology. Therefore, the Xyflex Pro Plus platform has the structural rigidity and control needed to attain the high performance capabilities and speed demands by the most challenging current manufacturing requirements.
The Xyflex Pro Plus shows some advantages. There is a system accuracy specification for “Real World” material placement on a substrate relevant to a target. Throughput increases across all dispense applications, with a faster point to point movement and the virtual elimination of Z-axis travel time. Xyflex Pro Plus increase the gross dot placement rate to 45,000 DPH. A line sequence command is given for faster, smoother travel around corners when dispensing underfill, encapsulation and micro display applications. The pipeline conveyor mode allows parallel product transfer between conveyor zones, reducing transfer time by up to 40 %.
Good to know that an introduction of the Xyflex Pro Plus SMT is possible. This is a dedicated platform specifically targeted at SMT dot applications and superceding the Gemini II platform. Xyflex Pro Plus SMT delivers increased cycle time and performance at a price comparable to the Gemini II. This offers the end user a lower cost per dot and a further value incentive
The Xyflex platform features the multi piston pump, positive shut-off dispense units, standard auger and microdot dispense units. Combining these with proprietary benchmark software delivers ease of use along with the ability to precisely control dispense volumes in a system with un-paralleled speed and accuracy.
The system is available as a standalone or in-line system, and is easily configurable with single or dual heads for a wide range of dispense applications