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WSTS Forecasts Strong Growth for Global Semiconductor Market in 2024 and 2025

Marginal growth expected in European chip market
WSTS: Global semiconductor market predicted to increase 16% in 2024

WSTS: Global semiconductor market predicted to increase 16% in 2024
Source: WSTS Spring 2024 Forecast

The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) has released its latest forecast for the global semiconductor market, anticipating robust growth in 2024 and 2025. WSTS now projects a 16.0 percent growth in the global semiconductor market compared to the previous year. The updated market valuation for 2024 is estimated at USD 611 billion. This revision reflects stronger performance in the last two quarters, particularly in computing end-markets.

Two Integrated Circuit categories are anticipated to drive the growth for the year with double digit increase, Logic with 10.7 percent and Memory with 76.8 percent. Conversely, other categories such as Discrete, Optoelectronics, Sensors, and Analog Semiconductors are expected to experience single-digit declines.

The Americas and Asia Pacific regions are projected to see significant growth, with increases of 25.1 percent and 17.5 percent, respectively. In contrast, Europe is expected to show marginal growth of 0.5 percent, while Japan is forecasted to see a slight decline of 1.1 percent.

For 2025, WSTS forecasts a 12.5 percent growth in the global semiconductor market, reaching an estimated valuation of USD 687 billion. This growth is expected to be driven primarily by the Memory and Logic sectors.

Global semiconductor industry sales in April

In terms of concrete figures, global semiconductor industry sales reached USD 46.4 billion during the month of April 2024, an increase of 15.8% compared to the April 2023 total of USD 40.1 billion, the Semiconductor Industry Association reported. (Monthly sales are compiled by the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) organization and represent a three-month moving average.)

“The global semiconductor industry posted double-digit sales increases on a year-to-year basis during each month of 2024, and worldwide sales in April increased on a month-to-month basis for the first time this year, indicating positive market momentum as we approach the middle of the year,” said John Neuffer, president and CEO of the Semiconductor Industry Association.

Regionally, year-to-year sales in April increased in the Americas (32.4%), China (23.4%), and Asia Pacific/All Other (11.1%), but decreased in Europe (-7.0%) and Japan (-7.8%). Month-to-month sales in April increased in the Americas (4.2%), Japan (2.4%), and China (0.2%), but decreased in Asia Pacific/All Other (-0.5%) and Europe (-0.8%).

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