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Empowering Diversity: SEMI Foundation Launches Semiconductor PRIDE Initiative for LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Supporting diversity in the chip workforce
SEMI Foundation PRIDE initiative to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in workforce

SEMI Foundation PRIDE initiative to promote LGBTQ+ inclusion in workforce
Source: Pixabay

SEMI Foundation, the non-profit arm of SEMI, has announced the formation of a new industry-led initiative to advance LGBTQ+ inclusion in the semiconductor workforce. Semiconductor PRIDE (Semiconductor Professionals for Respect, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity) will focus on LGBTQ+ hiring, STEM outreach, mentorship and fostering greater inclusion and belonging at semiconductor workplaces. The announcement comes as the world celebrates Pride Month in June.

“The formation of the Semiconductor PRIDE working group is an important step forward in evolving the chip industry to create a better workplace experience for the LGBTQ+ community and pathways to rewarding careers,” said Shari Liss, Executive Director of the SEMI Foundation. “SEMI applauds these industry leaders and their commitment to ensuring that we build cultures of inclusion and belonging.”

Member companies

Founding member companies of Semiconductor PRIDE include Cadence Design Systems, Intel Corporation, Lam Research and Micron Technology.

Semiconductor PRIDE working group members will pursue the following objectives:

  • Increase LGBTQ+ visibility within the semiconductor industry and STEM pipelines.
  • Improve LGBTQ+ career development opportunities.
  • Strengthen LGBTQ+ inclusion education and awareness.
  • Develop and share best practices related to LGBTQ+ workforce within the industry.

Working group member companies include: Applied Materials, ,KLA, ASML, Lam Research, Axcelis, Micron, Brooks Automation, Nikon Precision, Cadence Design Systems, Rockwell Automation, EMD Electronics, Synopsys, GlobalFoundries, TEL, Intel, WGNSTAR

Semiconductor PRIDE is led by co-chairs Adriana Platt, Contract Manager of Global Supply Equipment and Materials at Intel, and Caleb Edwards, Senior Research and Development Operations Supervisor at Micron.

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