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Mersen to unveil latest SiC power stack reference design

Solutions for power electronics, e-mobility, charging stations and energy storage at PCIM
Mersen to unveil latest SiC power stack reference design

Mersen to unveil latest SiC power stack reference design
SiC 1.7 kV SiC Power Stack: conception optimization and design cycle-time with testing and design validation Source: Mersen

Mersen, a leader in the field of electrical protection and power management solutions, will present a diversity of new products and solutions for power electronics, e-mobility, charging stations and energy storage systems at PCIM 2024 in Nuremberg from 11-13 June 2024.

Latest SiC Power Stack reference design.

The company will introduce its latest SiC Power Stack reference design. With capabilities up to 1200 Vdc DC bus and up to 300 Arms at 25 kHz, this evaluation kit helps inverter designers save time and confusion in selecting individual components by taking benefit from a solution that is optimally pre-designed for their specific application (e.g. DC Smart Grid, EV charging stations, renewables, e-mobility). In addition, Mersen unique capacitor-to-bus-bar assembly technique offers DC-link inductance as low as 7 nH.

DC high voltage fuses for 1500 V, 1000 V and 500 V platforms

At PCIM, the company will also present innovative products for emerging markets. The focus will be on new fuses for energy storage systems, charging stations and electric vehicles. With ABAT and GBAT fuses for energy storage, D-fuses for charging stations and MEV fuses for electric vehicles, Mersen has developed a complete product portfolio to withstand high alternating load cycles and low power losses, which improves the reliability and efficiency of the system. The new Power Pack fuse design will be introduced during PCIM. The power pack fuse proof of concept has been specifically designed to meet the latest MegaWatt Charging requirements.

Custom solutions for cooling, bus bars and capacitors

Visitors to PCIM can also learn about Mersen’s expertise in a wide range of passive components like cooling plates, capacitors and bus bars solutions.

The company has extensive expertise in vacuum brazing and in the simulation of cooling systems for power electronic components, as well as in 180 °C high temperature and very low inductance bus bars. Mersen also has decades of experience in the production of custom capacitor solutions and their sub-assembly with bus bars.

Live presentation on electric vehicles

In addition to numerous products, visitors to the booth can look forward to an exciting presentation on new challenges in EV battery protection and interconnection on June 11 and 12 from 12:30 to 12:50.

Furthermore, VP Power Stack Product Line Philippe Roussel will be available every day on the booth to present the latest developments from Mersen in Power Stack optimization.

PCIM Europe: Hall 9, Stand 534

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