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CyberOptics demonstrates MRS-enabled system at productronica

Metrology grade measurement
CyberOptics demonstrates MRS-enabled multi-function system at productronica

CyberOptics demonstrates MRS-enabled multi-function system at productronica
The SQ3000 multi-function for AOI, SPI and CMM will be demonstrated at productronica. Source: CyberOptics Corporation

CyberOptics Corporation, a global developer and manufacturer of high-precision 3D sensing technology solutions, will showcase its SQ3000 multi-function with MRS sensor technology for AOI, SPI and CMM at productronica. The company will also participate in the 3D AOI Arena hosted by trade magazines, EPP and EPP Europe.

The 3D SQ3000 all-in-one system can identify critical defects and measure critical parameters, providing a superior process control solution for effective yield management. In addition to AOI and SPI applications, highly accurate coordinate measurements can be attained faster than a traditional Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) – in seconds, not hours. The in-line CMM includes an extensive software suite for metrology grade measurement on all critical points.

At productronica, CyberOptics will also demonstrate the latest 3D AOI software with ultra-fast programming capabilities, auto tuning and enhancements that significantly speed set-up, simplify the process, reduce training efforts and minimize operator interaction.

Powered by proprietary Multi-Reflection Suppression (MRS) sensor technology, the 3D SQ3000 all-in-one system offers unmatched accuracy by meticulously identifying and rejecting reflections caused by shiny components making MRS an ideal technology solution for a wide range of applications with stringent requirements. The ultra-high resolution MRS sensor option delivers superior performance ideally suited for socket metrology, microelectronics and other applications where an even greater degree of accuracy and inspection reliability is critical.

productronica, Booth A2–439, A2–506


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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