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InnovationsForum Hungary-Speeches

InnovationsForum Hungary-Speeches

Electronics production in Europe
Viscom presentation at InnovationsFORUM Hungary 2017, Budapest
Electronics production in Europe

In the medium term, only those electronics producers that meet the highest quality requirements and optimize their production processes will stay in business.

KohYoung presentation at InnovationsFORUM Hungary 2017, Budapest
Zero defect production in the course of time

In order to avoid the defects in production someone must know, very precisely, the individual process steps and their tolerances.<!-more--> Only the very...

Indium presentation at InnovationsFORUM Hungary 2017, Budapest
Minimizing QFN voiding during SMT assembly

Low-standoff components, such as QFNs, are proliferating in electronics due to their increased functionality as well as lower cost.

Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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