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Towards grid parity

Comments & Editorials
Towards grid parity

Towards grid parity
The photovoltaics market is only a small part of the overall global energy market. However, in contrast to the global economic downturn and its fatal impact on the electronics industry the solar industry was the shining prig in the first months of 2009. While the insiders appeared demonstratively unimpressed by the economic crisis, many EMS providers perched themselves on PV to soften their fall. But the strength of a decoupled trade cycle of its own was a little bit overestimated, as we all learned at least by mid 2009: The booming wild-west mentality was finally hit by the spanish whiplash. Analysts say, nearly half of all panels made this year won’t be sold in 2009. The present massive oversupply of panels will even persist until 2012. On the other hand, they say as well, the solar market now gets its chance to mature and gain real strength from the momentary crisis. The question is: Which manufacturer is able to produce at costs that fit the actual market situation? Grid parity, the mirage of the solar industry for decades, now comes in reach and will surely end the branches dependency from governmental incentives. But therefore, however, the machine and process suppliers must have their persuasive appearance. At PVSEC in Hamburg they will have the arena. See you there – and enjoy our EPP-Special Photovoltaics.

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