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Zestron Academy to hold online seminar on protective coatings

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Zestron Academy to hold online seminar on protective coatings

Zestron Academy to hold online seminar on protective coatings
Coated assembly - application and utilisation of protective coatings Source: Zestron

From 30 November until 1 December, the Zestron Academy and the Society for Corrosion Protection (GfKORR) is organising an online training session about the application and utilisation of protective coatings for electronic assemblies at Zestron in Ingolstadt.

An electronic module is only suitable for a specific purpose if it guarantees safe function for a defined time. Modules are often used with greater electrical sensitivity or even under difficult conditions. The safe function of an assembly is then only ensured by means of a protective coating.

In the seminar, requirements and classifications of protective coatings as well as film properties of lacquers will be explained. Participants will also learn more about the impact of the electronic assembly on protective coatings, various application procedures and inspection methods, and how to prevent typical coating defects.

The seminar content is based on the GfKORR-guideline “Application and Utilisation of Protective Coatings for Electronic Assemblies” created by a working group and contains the collected knowledge of coating experts.

Participants will receive the latest version of the GfKORR-guideline and get a comprehensive and fundamental understanding of coatings and their possible application.

Additional information as well as the registration form can be found at www.zestron.com/en/academy, via email at christina.eifert@zestron.com.


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