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SMTconnect 2024 & PCIM Europe 2024

SMTconnect & PCIM Europe 2024
Nuremberg expo promises synergy between electronics manufacturing & power electronics

From 11–13 June, European industry representatives will converge upon Nuremberg for SMTconnect and PCIM Europe. While the events are distinct – the former focusing on electronics manufacturing, the latter on power electronics – organizers are promoting a more intensive exchange between the two in the hope of advancing cross-industry products and solutions.

This year, the topic of power electronics production will be further integrated into the trade fair concept to meet the growing demand from visitors in this area,“ Jeannette Meyer, Deputy Vice President, SMTconnect, explains. “To address the increasing interaction… Hall 5 of PCIM Europe (Smart Power System Integration) will focus on the specific requirements of power electronics manufacturing, and provide more opportunities for professional exchange in both fields.”

System integration

Interconnectivity and integration will be dominant themes across the gamut of products and solutions at this year’s event. “Advancing miniaturization and complexity in the electronics industry is leading to increasing demands on assembly and connection technologies,” adds Meyer. “Processes and process technologies are merging, and the focus is shifting to system integration.” For those wishing to find out more about technologies in this area – Smart Power Embedding to Integrated Smart Power Circuits., the Smart Power Systems Integration Stage at PCIM Europe is worth a visit.

Hands-free future

A consistent highlight of the SMTconnect expo, the Future Packaging Production Line, put together by the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration, will once again provide a unique view of the manufacturing process. Located in Hall 4, Stand 331, the 2024 line which simulates real production conditions, will comprise 135 products and technologies provided by 34 exhibitors. These include research institutes, machine manufacturers and component suppliers. This year’s showcase will demonstrate specifically how a higher degree of automation can make manufacturing processes more robust against disruptions and external influences such as skilled labour shortages.

Contributor to the line, Fuji Europe Corporation (SMTconnect, Hall 4, Stand 321), will also debut automation solutions designed to reduce manual intervention. Incorporating various placement machines and newly developed RH placement heads, the ultimate goal of its Fuji Smart Factory 2.0 is to achieve zero placement errors, zero machine operators, and zero machine stops. “At SMTconnect, [we] will demonstrate further automation solutions that minimize manual tasks, thereby addressing the growing shortage of skilled labour,” said Stefan Janssen, Managing Director of Fuji Europe Corporation in a statement. “At the same time, alongside flexibility, high-speed, and high-precision placement, we are increasingly focusing our machines on energy efficiency in line with the urgent need for an industrial energy transition.”

Exhibitors at SMTconnect will as ever span the gamut of SMT-related products and solutions, from materials and components to coating and test systems. Some of the big names include Asys, Essemtec, Göpel electronic, SmartRep, Viscom and Techvalley.

Forum programme

As usual, a varied programme of lectures at SMTconnect will cover well-trodden ground including AI, Industry 4.0 and sustainable electronics production. The full forum agenda will be available on the SMTconnect website from mid-April onwards.

PCIM Europe to set records

With over 600 exhibitors and around 500 presentations from industry and academia lined up, PCIM Europe 2024 is aiming to set new records. Organisers say visitors can expect an even more extensive range of products along the entire power electronics value chain this year. For the first time, the exhibition area will span four, rather than three, exhibition halls. 40% of exhibitors registered come from Germany; 60% are international, and represent 33 countries.

Among those present are Infineon Technologies, Mitsubishi Electric Europe, onsemi, SEMIKRON Danfoss, ROHM Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Volkswagen and Wolfspeed. An overview of all exhibiting companies can be found in the online exhibitor list.

Accompanying conference

The conference entitled ’Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management’ will feature keynote speakers from Siemens, Fraunhofer ISI and Infineon. The event will also host specialist presentations across thematic stages: the Smart Power Systems Integration Stage the Technology Stage (whose agenda includes topics such as SiC and GaN and the Future of Power); the E-Mobility & Energy Storage Stage and the Exhibitor Stage.

New university research zone

At the new University Research Zone, different national and international universities and institutes will provide in-depth insights into the power electronics research landscape. Research projects will be presented by the Technical University of Denmark, the Bundeswehr University Germany and RWTH Aachen University, among others.

For more information, full agenda and exhibitor lists, visit:

smtconnect.com | pcim.mesago.com

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