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Heterogeneous integration, hybrid bonding, chiplet design & photonics to feature at Dresden event

Semi 3D & Systems Summit, Germany
Heterogeneous integration, hybrid bonding, chiplet design & photonics to feature at Dresden event

Heterogeneous integration, hybrid bonding, chiplet design & photonics to feature at Dresden event
The event will see the most prominent names in 3D integration microelectronics manufacturing showcase their latest products and technologies Source: SEMI

The annual SEMI 3D & Systems Summit, scheduled to take place from 26–28 June 2023 in Dresden, Germany, will provide visitors with insights into the latest heterogeneous integration innovations for semiconductor applications. The event, which will bring together leading experts in 3D integration and systems for semiconductor manufacturing, will see the most prominent names in 3D integration microelectronics manufacturing showcase the latest products and technologies.

“We look forward to hosting industry leaders at the 3D & Systems Summit as they deliver insights into cutting-edge advanced packaging solutions,” said Laith Altimime, President of SEMI Europe. “Packaging innovations are critical to semiconductor industry growth, increasing chip performance, reducing power consumption and enabling smaller end devices for emerging and growing segments including autonomous driving, 6G, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.”

Themed Smarter Systems through Heterogeneous Integration, this year’s 3D & Systems Summit will feature a broader scope of topics including:

  • Advanced Packaging: Enabling Moore’s Law’s – The Next Frontier
  • Market Briefing and Technical Roadmap
  • Industrialization and Mass Adoption of 3D Technologies
  • Hybrid Bonding Developments
  • Chiplet Design Packaging: Architectures and Challenges
  • Novel Processes and Interconnect Solutions for 3D
  • Photonics Integration
  • Sustainability
  • Applications Enabled by 3D


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