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Ultra-fast 2D bottom-side automated optical inspection for PCBs

Eliminating board flipping and handling
Ultra-fast 2D bottom-side automated optical inspection for PCBs

Ultra-fast 2D bottom-side automated optical inspection for PCBs
Saki Corporation will release its 2DiLU1 inline bottom-side automated optical inspection (AOI) system at SMTconnect. Source: Saki Corporation

Saki Corporation, an innovator in the field of automated optical and x-ray inspection and measurement equipment, announces the release of its new 2DiLU1 inline bottom-side automated optical inspection (AOI) system at SMTconnect, Nuremberg, Germany. The company’s 2D line-scan technology is ultra-fast, capturing the image of an entire 460 x 500 mm printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) and carriers of 610 x 610 mm in one pass, in real time, storing the image into memory, and creating inspection data for the entire board. This versatile system automates the bottom-side inspection process, eliminates board flipping and handling, and ensures quality after the potting, dip, wave, and selective soldering processes.

The 2Di-LU1 software includes the company’s proprietary Fujiyama algorithm, which provides complete through-hole joint inspection in a single step. It simultaneously inspects for copper exposure, pin detection, pin-holes, solder fillet abnormalities, missing components, soldering problems, and bridges. The inspection software has been used for extra component detection of solder balls and foreign objects and through-hole device inspection in the automotive industry for several years and complies with the IPC-A-610 standard.

“Incorporating bottom-side automated optical inspection into the assembly process increases productivity by reducing the time, costs, labor, and floorspace needed for manual inspection, additional conveyors, or equipment to flip the board,” explained Yoshihiro Akiyama, Chief Technical Officer. “Saki’s system speeds the inspection process, increases throughput, and eliminates extra PCBA handling and the risk of substrate damage.”

The platform and construction of the 2Di-LU1 bottom-side automated optical inspection system is based on the rigid, time-tested hardware that ensures stable machine performance and long hardware life. The system supports L-size PCBs, high clearances, heavy substrates, and mounted jigs.

The company will feature its 2D bottom-side AOI system, along with its 3D AOI, SPI, and AXI systems and their Self-Programming Software.

SMTconnect, Booth 4A-133


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