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MRS technology solutions for a wide range of applications

Inspection for the most demanding requirements
MRS technology solutions for a wide range of applications

MRS technology solutions for a wide range of applications
The SQ3000 offers a combination of 3D AOI, SPI, and CMM for high accuracy, repeatability, and fast results. Source: CyberOptics Corporation

CyberOptics Corporation, a developer and manufacturer of high-precision 3D sensing technology solutions, will demonstrate the MRS-Enabled SQ3000 with multi-process capabilities including 3D AOI, SPI and CMM applications at SMT Nuremberg, Germany, June 5–7.

The SQ3000 offers a combination of unmatched accuracy and speed with the Multi-Reflection Suppression (MRS) sensor technology that meticulously identifies and rejects reflections caused by shiny components and surfaces. Effective suppression of multiple reflections is critical for highly accurate measurement, making the proprietary MRS technology an ideal solution for a wide range of applications with exacting requirements.

The SQ3000 has been widely used for 3D Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) and can now be used for 3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) for the best accuracy, repeatability and reproducibility – even on the smallest paste deposits. Combined with the easy-to-use SPI software, solder paste inspection has reached a new level of precision for the most stringent requirements.

Additionally, the SQ3000 can be used to attain highly accurate coordinate measurements faster than a traditional Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) – seconds, not hours. This machine includes a comprehensive software suite for use in industrial metrology, semiconductor, microelectronics, and SMT applications.

Customers are using the SQ3000 3D inspection and measurement system to improve yields, quality and operational efficiencies in their manufacturing facilities.

SMT Hybrid Packaging, Booth 4–101


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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