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No power without control

Spotlight: A reflow oven to suit all components
No power without control

Reflow ovens are the backbone of modern electronics manufacturing. Not only must they deliver maximum performance, throughput and availability, they also need to be sustainable. A modern reflow oven like Ersa’s Hotflow Three offers the required high level of performance. A precise measuring system like Horus, which provides regular process monitoring, is also crucial for success.

» Michael Haas, Ersa | Marcel Buck, GlobalPoint ICS

The majority of components used today are assembled using SMT technology. It is not uncommon to have several thousand components per assembly. This is one of the reasons chip designs, in particular, are becoming ever smaller. At the same time, the range of components is growing, meaning that components that were once processed using through-hole technology (THT) are now also being processed as SMDs. Because only high heat transfer can guarantee low temperature differences across a wide range of components, powerful reflow ovens such as Ersa‘s Hotflow series are required. Keeping this delta low is fundamental to achieving the highest quality, as it is the only way to ensure that high-mass components can be soldered safely while small components do not overheat. Throughput also plays a role because the faster the transport, the greater the temperature delta unless convection is compensated.

Rethinking reflow technology

The Hotflow Three is the logical evolution of the Hotflow series. Proven technologies have been combined with extensive field experience and feedback. The result is an unmatched user focus and a multitude of clever detail solutions. Hotflow Three also sets new standards in terms of performance.

Flexible & efficient heat transfer

In a reflow oven, heat transfer to an assembly is largely dependent on convection. Often, however, convection can only be set for the entire oven or for a few areas of the oven. The Hotflow Three features the Smart Convection Power Unit (SCPU). This means that each zone has independent fan heaters at the top and bottom, each of which can be assigned its own values. With this degree of freedom in convection settings, it is possible to control each zone
separately, which not only ensures that product specifications are met, but also reduces energy consumption. More targeted convection also allows users to boost heat transfer precisely where needed in the solder profile. This can be at turning points in the profile – for example, where thermal masses lead to different gradients.

Maintaining process stability

Even the most stable process needs to be regularly monitored. In reflow, this usually means periodically measuring a defined reference profile with a long-term stable measurement board and measurement equipment. If the values are within the defined tolerance window, the measurement process is archived, and the machine is released for production. Since the measurement is done manually and interferes with regular production, the goal is usually to select the longest possible cycles. This always leaves a question mark over process reliability. Monitoring systems can solve this problem but are not affordable for all companies. With redundant temperature monitoring at PCB level, the Hotflow Three offers an inexpensive additional monitoring system that continuously checks the reflow process and energy transfer. The set values are compared with the specified profile, and the oven then monitors the profile independently.

No performance without control

Precise temperature monitoring and control is a decisive factor in electronics production, especially when setting up soldering profiles. The Horus Measuring Electronics system provides extensive features designed for this purpose, considerably enhancing precision, efficiency, and user-friendliness.

Easy installation

One of the most important features of the Horus Measuring Electronics is that it can be easily installed without administrator rights. This means that technicians and engineers can set up the device quickly without having to rely on special authorizations. This plug-and-play feature saves time and reduces potential obstacles, which is especially beneficial in large production environments where administrator rights often restrict access.

Windows 11 ready

Full compatibility with the latest Windows 11 operating system ensures that Horus can be easily integrated into modern IT infrastructures. This support guarantees that the software runs stably and efficiently on the latest computers and laptops, further increasing reliability and usability.

Independent WiFi & real-time data transfer

An independent WiFi access point allows the measuring electronics to connect directly and autonomously without the need for additional network infrastructure. Temperature data is recorded and sent directly and continuously to the desired device, enabling proactive monitoring and rapid response to possible temperature deviations.

Extra memory

Horus also has an integrated memory. This allows temperature measurements to be recorded even if the measuring electronics are temporarily disconnected from the network. As soon as the connection is re-established, stored data is automatically transferred. This feature ensures that important data is not lost, and continuous monitoring is guaranteed.

Component-based soldering profile simulation

The ability to simulate soldering profiles based on specific components and solder pastes is another outstanding feature of the Horus Measuring Electronics. During the development of a new product, this feature enables engineers to determine the optimum soldering conditions and to identify and resolve potential problems early on. This significantly improves product quality and avoids costly rework. Solder profile creation also becomes much more efficient.

Time-saving fast profile creation

A good, stable temperature profile is the decisive factor for a successful soldering process. Another Horus highlight is the fact that it offers efficient and rapid creation of temperature profiles via the intuitive software and user-friendly interfaces. This is particularly valuable in production environments where quick adjustments may be required to optimize production processes and ensure product quality.

Proven battery technology & replacement

To ensure that the measuring electronics can work continuously even during long production runs or extensive test phases, Horus Measuring Electronics is equipped with proven rechargeable battery technology that guarantees a long service life and high reliability. The battery rarely needs to be recharged even during intensive use and is also easy to replace, which makes maintenance easier and minimizes downtime.

Indispensable in modern production

All in all, the Horus Measuring Electronics for temperature monitoring and efficient creation of soldering profiles offers an impressive combination of advanced functions and user-friendliness. Its efficiency increases the quality of the products produced and assists engineers and technicians in creating optimal soldering conditions. These comprehensive features make Horus a valuable investment for companies in the electronics industry.

electronica, Stand B1.234

www.kurtzersa.com | www.globalpoint.de

Source: Ersa GmbH
Example of a soldering profile for a Hotflow Three 26 reflow oven. The profile may vary depending on the parameters
Source: Ersa GmbH
Hotflow Three 26 reflow oven with integrated globalPoint horus temperature monitoring
Source: Ersa GmbH

Keyword: sustainability

Soldering systems require energy, that is the nature of soldering. Ersa is aware of its responsibility as a manufacturer of such systems. As the Kurtz Ersa Corporation aims to be CO2 neutral by 2029, we also want to help our customers reduce the carbon footprint of their products. For this reason, the company is not only optimizing its systems for lower resource consumption but has identified numerous approaches in the processes at the same time. In order to help our customers identify this potential, Ersa will offer an energy consulting service starting in Q4/2024. This involves working together with the customer to conduct a holistic analysis of their potential to find the best individual solution for each product.


Ersa details how its
latest reflow oven
achieves optimal soldering results thanks to efficient energy transfer and
smart process

Zusammenfassung Résumé Резюме

Ein moderner Reflow-Ofen bietet das erforderliche hohe Leistungsniveau, dennoch ist ein präzises Messsystem zur regelmäßigen Prozessüberwachung mitentscheidend für den Erfolg und unverzichtbar in der modernen Produktion.

Les fours de refusion sont l’épine dorsale de la fabrication électronique moderne. Ils doivent non seulement fournir des performances, un débit et une disponibilité maximum, mais aussi être durables. Un four de refusion moderne offre le niveau de performance élevé requis, mais un système de mesure précis pour la surveillance régulière du processus est néanmoins déterminant pour le succès et indispensable dans la production moderne.

Печи плавления являются основой современного производства электроники. Они должны не только обеспечивать максимальную производительность, пропускную способность и доступность, но также быть устойчивыми. Современная печь плавления обеспечивает требуемый высокий уровень производительности, но точная измерительная система для регулярного мониторинга процесса имеет решающее значение для успеха и незаменима в современном производстве.

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