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High quality across the board

A Finnish success story
High quality across the board

Finnish electronics developer and manufacturer Teleste offers an integrated portfolio of products and services to help enable a more connected society. Connectivity is also vital when it comes to the company’s internal productivity improvements and quality management. Here the company details the systems and solutions it relies upon to ensure its operations run optimally.

Teleste celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. The company’s solutions from Finland deliver state-of-the-art television and broadband services, ensure safety in public spaces, and serve as guidance and control systems in public transit applications. The company provides customized support through a global network of offices and partners. In 2023, it generated sales of EUR 151.3 million and employed roughly 800 people.

High-mix/low-volume production

“With our in-house production we guarantee absolute adherence to deadlines and a constantly high level of quality,” says Ilkka Ylönen SMT, Development Manager at the company. To do this, the manufacturer employs Siplace X S high-speed placement
machines in its factory. With robust placement heads and intelligent feeders, these machines deliver throughput rates of 75,000 to 172,000 components per hour, depending on the model. To print circuit boards, the Finnish provider uses the DEK TQ platform from ASMPT.

“For a high-mix/low-volume production like ours, flexibility, high throughput and fast product changeovers make the difference,” says Ylönen. “All the while, delivering a consistently high level of quality is essential for our success. Since safety plays a
critical role in the success of all our products, we
have equipped our SMT line with a series of quality assurance systems. For example, we inspect each
circuit board with an AOI before and after the reflow soldering process.”

A challenging process

As in any electronics production, solder paste printing is the most demanding process at Teleste. “Besides depending on a wide range of material parameters and external factors, the printing process is subject to continuous variation,” says Aki Enberg, SMT Process Developer. “That’s why it is so important to check the printing results right away.” This job is handled by ASMPT‘s Process Lens SPI system. With its high-resolution semiconductor-based micromirrors and its combination of 2D and 3D imaging, the system operates extremely quickly even for very fine structures and delivers significantly fewer false positives than conventional SPI systems. “In the SPI process, the scanning quality must not come at the expense of speed and vice versa,” says Enberg, “which is why the Process Lens was the right choice for us.“

“Particularly in the way the hardware interacts with each other, you see very clearly that ASMPT
takes a holistic view of electronics manufacturing,” says Enberg. “For example, in the past we had to
make offset corrections during the printing process manually based on the SPI results. Today, the two DEK TQ and Process Lens machines perform this job entirely on their own by talking to each other directly via standardized interfaces. And with the WORKS Optimization application, we improve our quality while reducing our setup changeover times via the offline printer programming capability. All the systems really interact with each other perfectly.”

This seamless machine-to-machine communication is no accident. The portfolio of the company covers almost the entire SMT production process meaning the supplier can optimally coordinate its hardware and software and adapt them to the requirements of modern and efficient factories, giving the company a significant leg up on software-only developers.

Speed, efficiency & transparency

Many years of practical experience and an integrative approach led to substantial improvements also in Teleste’s production operations. “Since upgrading to the latest technology from ASMPT, our production runs faster and has become effective and more transparent,” says Enberg. “We raised our output while reducing the number of manual assists. The positive feedback from our customers and our low reject rates confirm to us every day that we are
having a good level of quality assurance.”

The use of these machines in day-to-day production has led to a considerable increase in efficiency. In particular, the average reject rate has fallen drastically from over 1 % to around 0.05 %. This is a significant improvement on the performance of the machines previously used by another brand. In addition, a product change with the same setup now only
takes 3 minutes and a complete setup changeover can be carried out in less than 10 minutes, which is about three times faster than before. In addition, the overall uptime of the line has increased by 25 %,
primarily due to the reliability of the machines and the reduction in downtime of the line due to errors in the placement process.

“We rely on the mature and high-quality hardware and software solutions from ASMPT,” says Ylönen.

electronica, Stand C3.300

smt.asmpt.com | www.teleste.com

Zusammenfassung Résumé Резюме

Durch Investition auf neueste Technologielösungen im Bereich Lotpastendruck und Bestückung hat ein finnischer Elektronikhersteller nun eine schnellere,
effektivere sowie transparentere Produktion.

En adoptant les dernières solutions technologiques dans le secteur de l’impression de pâte à braser et d’implantation, un fabricant électronique finlandais dispose à présent d’une production plus rapide, plus efficace et aussi plus transparente.

Перейдя на новейшие технологические решения в области печати и сборки паяльной пасты, финский производитель электроники теперь имеет более быстрое, эффективное и прозрачное производство.

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