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Video: Focus stacking with UHD (4K) imaging

Creating sharp image with large depth of field
Video: Focus stacking with UHD (4K) imaging

Video: Focus stacking with UHD (4K) imaging
4K focus stacked image captured from Inspectis U30 of 12 mm deep objects. Source: Inspectis AB

Inspectis now offers the benefits of focus stacking with UHD (4K) imaging to produce images of depth as well as engaging detail for users of its digital microscopes. The focus stacking feature is driven by the company’s ProX software.

“With focus stacking, multiple images taken at different focus depths are combined to give a resulting image that has a greater depth of field (DOF) than any of the individual images themselves,” states Alistair Gooch, Marketing Manager. “With an Inspectis camera connected to a PC running ProX software, one can stack from 6 – 22 images at different focus planes to create one single sharp image with a very large depth of field not available with single images at high magnification.”

This is especially useful for reviewing and compiling detailed reports on subjects with greater than normal depth, e.g., populated boards with large discrete components, connectors, and other mechanical assemblies, he adds.

For maximum control, ProX offers two focus stacking modes: auto and manual. Generally swift, no-fuss results can be obtained simply by using the auto mode and leaving the software to control the camera and decide on the focus steps. For some subjects, e.g., larger objects at lower magnification, it is sometimes better to make and collate a series of images and then process them using the manual mode.

There is also an ‘enhanced mode’ that performs additional processing of the images that can further improve detail and reduce any noise issues. To see an online video of focus stacking with the company’s system, please visit https://youtu.be/TPk5g4W3xfM.


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