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Zestron pH-neutral PCB cleaner for low application concentrations

Micro phase cleaning
Zestron pH-neutral PCB cleaner for low application concentrations

Zestron pH-neutral PCB cleaner for low application concentrations
Vigon N 600 has been established on the market for over ten years. Source: Zestron

Since its launch in 2009 as the first pH-neutral PCB cleaner, Vignon N 600 from Zestron has been used internationally in the fields of aerospace, military, automotive, and telecommunications. Based on MPC (Micro Phase Cleaning) technology, the cleaner removes a wide range of flux residues. Due to its neutral pH value, it is highly compatible with electronic components, especially sensitive metals such as aluminium, brass, nickel and polymers. It can be used in both inline and batch systems and is effective at low application concentrations and with low stand-off components.


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