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Solder alloy with better wetting and flow properties

Paste and fluxes with better reliability on joints
Solder alloy with better wetting and flow properties

Solder alloy with better wetting and flow properties
The SN100C significantly reduced copper dissolution rates. Source: Balver Zinn Group

The Balver Zinn Group announces that they will be attending productronica scheduled to take place November 14–17 in Munich, Germany. The company will highlight their latest solder technology and services. As the licensee, they present Nihon Superiors‘ newly patented SN100CV lead-free micro-alloyed solder.

Now, Nihon Superior has developed lead-free solder alloy by the addition of bismuth, which has positive effects on the reliability of the solder joints. This alloy offers high reliable solder joints for a lower price compared to Ag-containing alloys. It has all the advantages that have made SN100C so popular, including reduced copper dissolution rates. The lower surface tension of the solder and less surface oxidation related to the germanium will provide better wetting and flow properties.

Also at the show will be Cobar OT2M and BSA04-XSP solder paste, along with B2012 solder wire and the extensive range of Cobar solder fluxes.

productronica, Booth A4.261


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