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Fluid dispensing station for more productivity

Fluid dispensing station for more productivity

Fluid dispensing station for more productivity
Medical device assembly is a demanding task that requires very precise control of every step in the process – including the way adhesives, RTV silicones, epoxies and other fluids are applied to join, seal and fill components. Applying the correct amount of adhesive or other fluid to join or seal medical devices can be tricky, particularly if done manually.

EFD’s new precision fluid dispensing system Ultimus V eliminates variability by removing operator guesswork from the process. To make identical dots or fill cavities with consistent volumes of material, the user can adjust all relevant parameters precisely. The material to be dispensed is contained in a disposable syringe barrel. Keeping the amount of fluid applied consistent as it gets thicker or thinner, or as the volume of fluid in the reservoir decreases, can be critical to maintaining productivity and quality. The Ultimus V and Optimeter resolve these issues. For fluids that change viscosity, the new Ultimus V high-precision dispenser provides the ability to store and then automatically adjust dispensing settings to keep the amount of fluid applied constant. And to compensate for changing fluid reservoir levels, the patent-pending Optimeter automatically adjusts air flow to maintain uniform deposit size. To apply an identical amount of fluid on each spot, the user just places the dispense tip in position and presses the electric foot pedal. Other features include simultaneous digital display of all dispensing parameters, programmable in 9 languages and a convenient “Teach” function that simplifies initial setup.
Each Ultimus V Workstation includes a complete introductory supply of syringe barrels, pistons and dispense tips matched to the user’s specific application, along with a 10-year, No Fault warranty. Nordson EFD won the 2010 SMT Vision Award for its Ultimus V High-precision Dispenser,. Products are judged on innovation, cost-effectiveness, speed/throughput improvements, quality, ease of use, and environmental responsibility.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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