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Dispense valve controllers increasing output

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Dispense valve controllers increasing output

Dispense valve controllers increasing output
Nordson EFD has introduced two new valve controllers, particularly designed to increase output and profitability for manufacturers in the product assembly market. The new ValveMate 7100 and ValveMate 7140 dispense valve controllers use the latest dispens- ing technology of the company to apply accurate, repeatable amounts of adhesives, lubricants and other fluids used to assemble sophisticated products, such as medical devices and portable electronics. Major markets include the life science, electronics and automotive industries. The two new controllers are designed for single-valve installations, the ValveMate 7100 Valve Controller is used to produce accurate, repeatable dots or neat, uniform stripes in bonding, sealing and filling applications. The ValveMate 7140 Spray Valve Controller is used to produce uniform spray patterns in coating, marking and lubrication processes.

For multi-valve applications, the company offers the ValveMate 8000 Valve Controller, which can operate up to four dispense valves, and the ValveMate 8040 Spray Valve Controller, which can operate up to two spray valves. The valve controllers are designed for automated and semi-automated fluid dispensing processes. They offer an extremely cost-effective way to regulate the dispensing cycle and keep assembly lines running at maximum speed, without the need for time-consuming programming or mechanical adjustments that require the production line to be shut down. The company designs and manufactures precision dispensing devices for applying controlled amounts of the adhesives, sealants, lubricants and other assembly fluids used in almost every manufacturing process. By increasing productivity, improving quality and reducing costs, in most production environments a pay-back period of less than a half year is likely.
Stand 7-114
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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