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Advanced Pb-free cored solder wire

Advanced Pb-free cored solder wire

Advanced Pb-free cored solder wire
Alpha Telecore XL-806 is a Pb-free cored solder wire; provided by Alpha, Cookson Electronics. It delivers world class soldering performance and reliability. The Company claims that users will experience its fast wetting and significantly lower spattering performance versus the previous generation of competitive cored wire products. The Telecore XL-806’s unique formulation allows it to withstand the higher temperatures required for Pb-free component attach and rework while offering overall superior functionality.

“We have exhaustively tested Alpha Telecore XL-806 against the leading competitive materials, and it has consistently demonstrated superior performance for both fast wetting and low spattering, and it is highly reliable,” said Gary Cunning, Cookson’s Global Product Manager. It is available in SAC305, SACX0307 and SACX0807 alloys with both 2.2% and 3.3% flux loading in order to meet the widest range of customer requirements.The solder wire is classified as J-STD-004 ROM1(for Halide content), and it passes all reliability testing for the ROL1 classification, including testing for ROL1 Copper Mirror, Copper Corrosion, SIR and EMC ‘uncleaned’ for the ROL1 classification. It also passes the HP ECM test and SIR based on the IPC J-STD, JIS and Bellcore tests.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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