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Test Handler Delivers High Throughput and Individual DUT Thermal Control

Test Handler Delivers High Throughput and Individual DUT Thermal Control

Test Handler Delivers High Throughput and Individual DUT Thermal Control
The dynamic test handler M4543A is capable of parallel testing up to four devices, and boasting individualized thermal controls. M4543A addresses the trend towards higher integration, higher speed, and correspondingly greater thermal output from CPUs and MPUs.

Mass market consumer electronics are making giant strides in speed and performance, as the processing power of the chips that drive them increases exponentially.
However, faster chips consume more power, and dissipate more heat as a result. To ensure optimal functionality in their end-use applications, these devices must be tested at design-specified temperatures, although individual devices often generate more or less heat, leading to reduced yields. There is also the risk that devices may overheat and fail during the test process. Meanwhile, the intensified price competition among semiconductor manufacturers spurs calls for further reductions to cost of test.
The new M4543A dynamic test handler is equipped with independent sensors that allow it to measure the surface temperature of each device and apply individual thermal controls. In its optional configuration, the handler is further able to measure and precisely control the thermal diodes within each device’s circuitry.
Even when testing four devices in parallel, it can keep each one at the temperature specified in the test parameters, thus improving the accuracy of the test process and increasing yield.
The M4543A’s pressure control mechanism is twice as powerful as that of the system’s predecessor, minimizing the contact failures even when testing devices of more than 1000 pins.
Configuration options include an extension stocker and a heat plate for high-temperature test, enabling customers to adjust the system to their specific needs.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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