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SMT-Line Optimization Software for a Particular Production Run

SMT-Line Optimization Software for a Particular Production Run

The Dima Production Optimizations Software reportedly combines every function needed for a flexible line operation, from CAD-data conversion to monitoring production information, and from preparation to line management and even warehouse/stock database and batch traceability.

An embedded generic post-processor converts any CAD-date into a file that the company’s pick & place machine can use for the exact placement of components in the appropriate board coordinates. This eliminates the time-consuming manual teaching and increases accuracy. In order to keep track of where the components in the warehouse are and how many of them are available, the stock-database software enables to follow every component through the entire facility. Furthermore, it will collect actual quantity status of parts for a flawless registration. Since machine downtime due to product changeovers should be kept to a minimum, those frequent changeovers have to be effective as possible. The software provides operators with information on which components and tools are needed for a particular production run.
It even supplies an optimal feeder set-up plan for one or several boards in order to achieve the fastest possible manufacturing rate. Monitoring the production flow can be pretty difficult, but the software takes care of detection and registration of every interruption or failure. The optimization software can also trace back each single component on every board produced, known as full-batch traceability.
It means that if, for instance, a defect is detected in a specific component after nine months, it is easy to trace back on which board and at which location this specific part has been placed.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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