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Smart system software increases machine uptime and efficiency

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Smart system software increases machine uptime and efficiency

Digitization, networking and big data are trends in the electronics industry, to which manufacturers today should react quickly and with flexibility. Large data volumes have to be managed and archived for the long term. At the same time, demands on performance are increasing. Rehm has developed a smart system software with the new Vicon that not only provides the best possible control of the VisionX series, but also increases machine uptime and efficiency with numerous analysis tools.

Keep the line running – a good basis counts

Vicon stands out with a structured interface design and intuitive touch control. All messages, commands and parameters are visible at a glance on the main screen with machine view. With numerous features, for example, a favorite’s bar that can be freely customized. The unique grouping of parameters or the individual process monitoring and documentation, this software offers the operator optimum support for all manufacturing processes. Access rights, views and favorites are tailored exactly to each user. The objective is to depict the system’s current operating status clearly so that the operator can react quickly to status and alarm messages. Only the relevant information is displayed.

In addition to the basic software, the company is developing additional features to increase efficiency, including monitoring tools from Vicon Analytics range, Connect remote manager for monitoring, and the App, which allows the operator to keep an eye on production via mobile.

Vicon Analytics: Greater transparency in the manufacture of electronics

What is happening in the reflow soldering system? What areas can be further improved? Where are the hidden potential savings? These questions can be answered with the analytics software. It captures the plant’s data on quality, costs or performance and collate the results in clearly laid-out logs. This makes corresponding analyses possible and potential for improvement apparent.

Vicon Connect: Flexible operation – offline, online or on the system

Being able to access the machine from anywhere and at any time is essential these days. With remote access via the software, the operator can retrieve machine data at any time, switch directly to the system, and monitor production conveniently at the workstation. This makes it possible, in conjunction with a cross-divisional system, to maintain an overview of the entire production.

Mobile retrieval of system data with the Vicon App

This app allows mobile access to all the relevant system information via smartphone. Operating status and alarms are visible at first glance. The responsive design ensures optimum display on IOS, Android, and Windows devices. It is not restricted to a specific system; instead it represents all of the company’s systems.


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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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