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Semiautomatic die sorter

Semiautomatic die sorter

The DS4500 semiautomatic die sorter from Laurier is a cost effective solution for sorting devices into multiple carrier types. Sort dies from wafer frames or hoops to trays, wafer frames, hoops, waffle pack, Gel-Paks, custom trays, and tape reel output. Flip or no flip based on specific product recipe, no need to change hardware. The die sorter replaces the DS4000 and offers a new Windows XP user interface and many new features including picture-in-picture input/output views, improved inspection capabilities, advanced searches, die tracking and more. Performance improvements include increased throughput up to 4,500 UPH, easier changeovers that typically take less than 5 minutes, modular output table for multiple quick change output formats (waffle pack, Gel-Pak, 8” film frame, hoop, Tape/Reel, and custom tray), motorized zoom, and programmable lighting.

EPP Europe 444
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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