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Selective soldering for through-hole and odd components

Selective soldering for through-hole and odd components

The recently introduced Rhythm selective soldering system from Tyco Electronics provides electronics manufacturers with an entry point for soldering through-hole and odd form components into surface-mount and mixed technology printed circuit boards. The system presents solder from the underside of the printed circuit board without any special tooling or accessories. Processing capabilities such as a small keep-away is made possible by a tilting axis. Additionally, the machine offers an optional nozzle configuration for processing PWBs over a four-inch flat wave solder nozzle. The selective soldering machine conforms to SMEMA in-line manufacturing standards and is well suited for applications, where the printed circuit board is manufactured in small or large lot quantities with high product mix. For applications with higher thermal demands, the soldering machine can be equipped with an optional infrared preheater. The flexible features help ease soldering for most any component, regardless of its orientation or obstructions in the soldering area.

electronica, booth A4.139
EPP Europe 433
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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