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People Correction “Direct Die Feeding revolutionizes existing placement solutions“ was the essence of an article about Hover-Davis in issue 7/8, page 33, of EPP Europe. Unfortunately, we got so carried away as to actually picture the system upside down… Here is how the Hover-Davis Direct Die Feeder looks upright. The editorial office of EPP Europe apologizes for the “illegal turn“.

People Correction “Direct Die Feeding revolutionizes existing placement solutions“ was the essence of an article about Hover-Davis in issue 7/8, page 33, of EPP Europe. Unfortunately, we got so carried away as to actually picture the system upside down… Here is how the Hover-Davis Direct Die Feeder looks upright. The editorial office of EPP Europe apologizes for the “illegal turn“.

People Correction “Direct Die Feeding revolutionizes existing placement solutions“ was the essence of an article about Hover-Davis in issue 7/8, page 33, of EPP Europe. Unfortunately, we got so carried away as to actually picture the system upside down... Here is how the Hover-Davis Direct Die Feeder looks upright. The editorial office of EPP Europe apologizes for the “illegal turn“.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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