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Modular platform

How important is a Pick & Place platform for prototyping up to mid volume?
Modular platform

Choosing a Pick & Place machine in a small to medium environment is, in most cases, a long term investment. This means that besides the required specifications, such as speed, feeder capacity and flexibility, long term accuracy is also one of the most important issues. Therefore all these aspects have to be taken into account during the development of the platform/frame.

Twan Aldenzee, Dima Group, Deurne (Netherlands)

In the fields of engineering, industry and statistics, the accuracy of a measurement system is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to its actual (true) value. The precision of a measurement system, also called reproducibility or repeatability, is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results. Unchanged means that every parameter will remain the same.
To ensure that every parameter is constant, Dima developed the SEC-frame (Stabilised Enforced Construction). To secure a long lasting accuracy the ideal combination contains a very stable and solid frame combined with a high spec linear encoder system.
Innovative features
The motion of the head will be expressed in speed of mm/sec (millimetres per second) and in G-Force. The faster the motion, the higher the demands will be on the frame. Translated to a frame the stiffness of the construction increases in comparison with required motion. To achieve the required stiffness, Dima SMT Systems has chosen a rigid welded frame provided with a star construction under the base plate. The star construction results in additional rigidity concentrated on the base plate of the placement area.
In a small to medium production environment the feeder capacity is a very big issue, especially in a prototyping production process. Feeder capacity is one of the parameters which you can use for optimising the machine output. Besides that the changeover times can be reduced to zero, in combination with flexible software developed for a high number of change-overs. For the company, the corner pillars have been specially designed to save valuable space to avoid losing feeder positions, but without making any compromises losing any rigidity. This way the frame can handle more feeder positions.
By developing a modular concept the frame is the main part. A modular concept will give the user the possibility to upgrade his machine to his needs and demands. This means that the user can start with a custom made configuration based on his current needs and demands. In practice, the customer will experience that during the time his production process, PCB layouts, different applications are the main reason why the needs and demands are changing. This will result in the need for more feeder positions, small components, smaller pitch sizes, larger PCB’s (LED) etc. Company changes in their needs and demands forces the user to change as well.
What is modularity?
For the company modularity means having plug and play upgrade possibilities for our machines at your facility. When your needs and demands have changed the SEC-Platform easily allows upgrades in the field. The platform contains base plate with a standard factory preparation of holes and thread, and option preparation on the controlled PCB boards. The machine software will be upgraded free of charge which will include extra features. The platform offers upgrades eg: from stand-alone to in-line, increase number of feeder slots by integrating extra feeder banks, additional high spec CCD camera for aligning bigger components, more pipettes or even a compete Pick & Place head change to increase the speed.
This financial benefit can be made two ways, first with a lower cost price and second securing your investment for the future. This modular concept will enable the customer to invest in the demands and needs which are current at that time, so he can invest in production equipment without incurring extra costs buying for possible future needs. Making a cost price calculation, with lower capital investment, will result in a lower cost price. This provides the customer with possibility of investing the reserved capital in other process solutions. Also the modular investment will lower the pressure on the liquidity of a company.
The development named SEC (Stabilized Enforced Construction) platform is a high spec one-piece welded frame using a star construction under the base plate. The main reason why the company has equipped the Modulo with such a heavy solid frame is to generate rigidity. The star construction generates additional rigidity concentrated in the placement area. Rigidity is key in maintaining accuracy over the life- time. This gives the following result in weight of bare frame 420kg, of complete machine with 760kg and of machine including feeders 950kg. „The SEC-frame ensures the best possible accuracy over a large working area at the speed required in Pick & Place machines“, commented the company. Dima SMT Systems is a division of Dima Group B.V., an international operating group of divisions specialized in developing and producing machines and tools for the Surface Mount and Dispense Technology. Since 1986 Dima is the brand customers count on the most for the best product performance and expert care and advice in this industry.
productronica, A2.459

Der Artikel diskutiert die Anwendung eines Bestückautomaten im Bereich Prototyping bis zu einem mittleren Fertigungsvolumen. Das Augenmerk ist auf ein modulares Bestücksystem gerichtet, das sich durch Modularität und Stabilität auszeichnet.
L’article discute l’application d’un automate d’alimentation dans le domaine du prototype jusqu’à un niveau moyen de fabrication. L’attention se porte sur un système d’alimentation modulaire qui se distingue par sa modularité et sa stabilité.
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