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In-line stencil printers

In-line stencil printers

In-line stencil printers
The eP33 series printer from Exerra, Ltd combines a mono-block casting and a two-stage, servo-driven granite table with a digital, servo-controlled drive system on every axis for high speed and accuracy. The integral 2D&D print quality inspection, a triple-section PCB transport system and programmable squeegee pressure control with continuous in-process monitoring enable assembler to manage every detail of their paste printing process.

The firm’s print quality inspection is based on a proprietary image processing generator that enables 100 percent inspection of all assemblies without compromising throughput. A camera rapidly scans the PCB and acquires a set of color images at 10-micron resolution. The system compares the images to a reference image and manipulates them to determine acceptability. Using a color camera enables the system to analyze solder color differentiation. An intuitive interface lets users define areas of interest for close-up identification, and the screen displays each type of defect in a color to speed the identity of various types of products. For stencil inspection, the printers feature an automated process to ensure stencil apertures are free of paste. Users can define selected areas, and they can set results to trigger automatic or manual stencil cleaning.
The series printers use the self-learning UniPlane imaging system for accuracy of ± 12 µm at 6 sigma by capturing the stencil and PCB in the printing position using a high-resolution color camera. Any shape on the stencil or PCB can be used as a fiducial, and any number of fiducial can be chosen to increase alignment accuracy. With their triple-section conveyor transport, side sections can be used as buffers to reduce cycle time. The eP33 has a cycle time of less than 12 seconds, and the eP35 has a cycle time of less than 8 seconds, not including printing. Print speed is 1 to 200 mm/second.
Productronica, Stand A4.480
EPP Europe 448
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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