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Henkel introduces range of thermally conductive adhesives

Henkel introduces range of thermally conductive adhesives

The electronics group of Henkel has launched the Loctite Bead-on-Bead thermally conductive adhesives products range. Based on proven, proprietary structural adhesive technology, Loctite Bead-on-Bead is a unique chemistry for a two-part acrylic adhesive. Instead of following the traditional method of premixing the two parts and managing the inherent pot-life issues associated with this, manufacturers are now able to apply each part independently to the component. With the new product range, mixing occurs only when the two items to be bonded are joined together. “The range presents significant advancements in adhesive technology, offering superior levels of thermal performance and reliability for manufacturers increasingly moving towards more demanding applications,” explains Jason Brandi, Global Product Manager for Thermal Interface Materials. “In addition, the technology also reduces manufacturing costs by eliminating the need to use primer and the problems associated with this.” With a high thermal conductivity of 1.75 W/m°K, Loctite Bead-on-Bead offers a 40 % improvement in cooling performance over previous products, allowing manufacturers to use smaller and more cost-effective heat sinks. The no-mix, no-measure, two-part system eliminates the need for meter-mix dispense systems, significantly widening assembly process windows. The high bond strength means that the adhesives are consistently reliable, eliminating field failures related to de-bonding. Fast fixture and cure rates allow for high production throughput whilst a lower viscosity serves to simplify dispensing requirements. Following extensive tests on a wide array of substrates, the new product range is proven to offer high standards of environmental resistance, making it ideal for a diverse range of variable manufacturing environments.

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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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