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Fluid dispenser pen with nylon brush tip

Fluid dispenser pen with nylon brush tip

Fluid dispenser pen with nylon brush tip
The fluid dispenser pen with nylon brush tip from QTEK consists of a lightweight polypropylene cartridge with a fine nylon brush tip, and has a capacity of 7 cc. The fine nylon brush tip allows users to reach even the smallest of areas, which is particularly useful when dealing with minute components. The use of the brush tip pen is also valuable in complicated assemblies where precision and accuracy is required and increases production efficiency.

The dispenser pen is designed to provide the user with ultimate control over the amount of fluid being dispensed, as the user must apply light pressure to either side of the barrel to dispense the fluid. The increase in control over the amount of fluid dispensed makes the brush tip pen ideal for use with complex assemblies. The product is especially designed to minimize waste. The pen can fit easily in the pocket of a lab coat, and the design of the brush tip pen prevents leakage. The pen avoids the limitations associated with flux dispensing bottles in the application process.
EPP Europe 428
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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